Custom orthotics build the ground up to an individual’s feet correcting biomechanics in their feet that control the way in which the individual walks. Oftentimes individuals have an inherent or adapted biomechanical deformation of the foot: flat feet, or overarched feet to name a few examples. These physiological deformations affect an individual’s entire walking gait, from the knees, to the hips, and to the lower back. Correcting the biomechanics of the foot can alleviate pain from the lower back and other areas of the body.
Custom orthotics are made specific to the individual patient’s biomechanics, and activity level. For example, some individuals may need a sport orthotic for increased shock absorption, while an individual that wears dress shoes may need a thin and ridged orthotic. There are different options available in terms of length: full length, ¾ length or half length. Additionally, options vary in terms of material: subortholene, graphite, cork and top covers: vinyl, leather, spenco, EVA, memory foam and more.

Custom orthotics are scanned by using a “high-quality IMU and a visible, ultra-wide-angle camera”, also known as a sensor mark ii structure scanner. This camera is able to capture high resolution/detail of the foot, by recreating the foot into a 3-dimensional image. Through the 3-dimension image an orthotic is created to tailor an individual’s unique foot. This method is a faster, more comfortable and more accurate alternative to plaster molding which is often done to create custom orthotics. This device allows us to receive custom orthotics in as little as two weeks.
Ashley Mastrangelo, DPM, will examine the individual pre and post foot scanning and orthotic fitting to assess the individual’s biomechanics and deformations, and ensure proper corrections are made to improve the individual's gait. During the first six months of incorporating your orthotics into your daily life, simple changes to the orthotic can be made without charge.

Ashley Mastrangelo, D.P.M.
Foot & Ankle Specialist
At Coastal Orthopedics, you can schedule an orthopedic appointment by phone at 978-927-3040,
submit our online form, or walk in to one of our three locations in Danvers, Gloucester or Beverly, MA.