Happy Autumn from Coastal Orthopedics!
Fall is officially here! Just a moment ago it was hot and humid, and now we’re enjoying beautiful, crisp fall weather with leaves already turning their stunning shades. There’s truly nothing like autumn in New England during this colorful season!
Apple picking season is also in full swing—get outside and enjoy time with family or friends by picking apples for a fun, memorable afternoon. Don’t miss our delicious spiced-apple cider recipe to add some warmth to your day.
Read our fall newsletter to learn more about:
Our upcoming lecture on hand pain
The results of our team's favorite Halloween candy poll
A spotlight on our talented hand surgeons, Dr. Merlin and Dr. Hoffman
Tips for avoiding injuries during fall yard work
And how you can join us in supporting our Beverly Bootstraps food drive this season
We hope you enjoy these helpful updates and seasonal tips!